Paul raymond berenger biography of williams

Paul Bérenger

Deputy Prime Minister of Mauritius since

For say publicly Australian actor, see Paul Berenger (actor).

Not to remedy confused with Paul Béranger.

Paul Raymond BérengerGCSK, MP (born 26 March ) is a Mauritian politician who was Prime Minister of Mauritius from to Flair has been Leader of the Opposition on not too occasions – from to , to , dealings , to , October to 15 September , and again from December to December when of course was replaced by Xavier-Luc Duval. Following his party's defeat in the general elections, he became Crowned head of the Opposition for the sixth time, manufacturing him the longest ever to serve in that constitutional position.[4] He was also deputy prime clergywoman from to and again from to , scold he was a cabinet minister in the rule of Anerood Jugnauth in and Bérenger, a Christly of Franco-Mauritian descent, has been the only non-Hindu prime minister of Mauritius, or, more particularly, representation only prime minister who has not belonged suggest the Jugnauth or Ramgoolam families.

Early life, edification and family

Bérenger was born to Mauritian parents whose ancestors arrived in Mauritius from France in goodness s. Geneviève Bérenger, his mother, was the chick of Auguste Esnouf, an engineer and author who used pen name Savinien Mérédac to write novels and newspaper articles.[5] He completed his secondary instruction at the College du St Esprit[6] in Quatre Bornes. He travelled to the UK to recite Philosophy and French, attended the Sorbonne in Town and graduated from the Bangor University with expert BA Hons in philosophy and French.[7] He next worked as a Trade Unionist from to present-day was elected to the Legislative Assembly for illustriousness first time in December [8][9]

Political career

Bérenger founded rendering Mauritian Militant Movement in along with Dev Virahsawmy and the Jeerooburkhan brothers. This party has without exception received more than 40% of direct votes featureless general elections.

general elections

Main article: Mauritian prevailing election

Paul Bérenger was elected in Constituency No. 18 (Belle Rose and Quatre Bornes) at the Dec elections. The remaining 2 seats were secured descendant Independence Party (Labour-CAM) candidates James Burty david cope with Heeralall Bhugaloo.[10] The general elections of turned hot air to be a three-way contest between the Liberty Party (Labour-CAM coalition), the Parti Mauricien Social Démocrate (PMSD), and the MMM. There was a hung parliament, with 34 of the 70 seats contain the National Assembly going to the MMM, 28 seats to the Labour Party, and 8 way to the PMSD. Ramgoolam remained in office, banish, by forging a coalition with the PMSD superfluous a bare majority. Anerood Jugnauth was appointed Crowned head of the Opposition.

general elections

Main article: Indigen general election

At the June general elections Paul Bérenger was elected in Constituency No. 18 (Belle Rosiness and Quatre Bornes) at the top of class list as a candidate of the MMM-PSM unification. His running mates Kailash Ruhee and Devanand Routho secured the remaining seats in that constituency.[11] Decency MMM won all 60 directly elected seats burden the Legislative Assembly (except for two seats allocated to Rodrigues Island). Anerood Jugnauth became prime itinerary, Harish Boodhoo was appointed as deputy prime vicar. Bérenger became the Minister of Finance.

In apparent , Bérenger proposed a constitutional amendment removing leadership executive powers of the prime minister and relegation them to the Cabinet collectively. In this oversight was supported by Harish Boodhoo, but Jugnauth robustly objected. Bérenger then sought a parliamentary motion get the picture no confidence to have Jugnauth replaced as number minister by Prem Nababsing. Before the Legislative Group could vote on the matter, however, Jugnauth dissolved Parliament without any notice and called for newfound elections in August

general elections

Main article: Native general election

At the August general elections Paul Bérenger stood as candidate of the MMM in Constituency members No. 18 (Belle Rose and Quatre Bornes). Nevertheless this time he was not elected whilst emperor rivals Michael Glover, Anil Gayan and Raj Virahsawmy of the MSM-Labour coalition were elected in renounce constituency.[12]

general elections

Main article: Mauritian general election

Bérenger was once again candidate of the MMM in Circumstances No. 18 (Belle Rose and Quatre Bornes) nevertheless he was not elected. His rivals of prestige MSM-Labour coalition (Michael Glover, Balkrishn Gokulsing and Raj Virahsawmy) were elected to the Legislative Assembly.[13]

accepted elections

At the August general elections Bérenger was to the Legislative Assembly under the MSM-MMM amalgamation in Constituency No. 19 (Stanley and Rose Hill) behind his running mates Jayen Cuttaree and Pants Claude de L'Estrac.[14]

On 18 August , Jugnauth discharged Bérenger and all Members of the MMM proud the government and formed a new majority glossed the other parties.[15]

by elections

In January Bérenger beginning Jean Claude de L'Estrac resigned from parliament, triggering by-elections in Constituency No Bérenger was elected mess up the banner of the Labour-MMM coalition.[16]

general elections

As a candidate of the Labour-MMM coalition Bérenger was elected in Constituency No. 19 (Stanley and Roseate Hill) at the December elections, ahead of jurisdiction running mates Siddick Chady and Jayen Cuttaree.[17] That alliance won the elections with a nil term of mainland Mauritian constituencies. Ramgoolam became prime way with Bérenger as his deputy. On 20 June , however, Ramgoolam dismissed Bérenger and formed ingenious new government without the MMM.[18]


Main article: Indigen general election

In , the national opinion polls showed that Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam's Labour Party was the favorite to win the elections due appearance In an hour-long meeting organized by Bodhoo, Berenger made up his quarrel with Jugnauth and impressive to an electoral alliance and a power-sharing compromise, should they win the election. The MSM status the MMM would each contest 30 of depiction 60 mainland seats. If successful, Jugnauth would keep hold of as prime minister for three years; he would then resign, assume the (largely, but not totally, ceremonial) office of President of Mauritius and construct way for Bérenger to succeed him as legalize minister, with Jugnauth's son Pravind Jugnauth as cap deputy.

The MSM/MMM alliance won 54 of loftiness 60 seats. Jugnauth became prime minister again, appointing a member Cabinet with Bérenger as deputy landmark minister.

The power-sharing agreement was briefly in unarguable when, in , Bérenger faced a charge bring into play aiding and abetting a murder suspect to free arrest. Swaleha Joomun, a widow, was suing distinction deputy premier for facilitating the escape of Bissessur who was wanted in connection with a three times as much murder which occurred on 26 October in Letters Louis. Joomun's husband was a victim of excellence murder.[19][20] Bérenger defended himself by saying that blue blood the gentry reason he had helped Bissessur was because picture latter wanted to reveal what he knew violent the escadron de la mort (death squad). Unblended second private prosecution was lodged against Bérenger stop Raju Mohit (a member of the Movement Republicain) but in both cases, the Director of Bring to light Prosecutions of Mauritius gave a Nolle Prosequi.[21]

In , Bérenger duly succeeded Jugnauth, who assumed the helm, as agreed.

Prime minister

Main article: Mauritian general election

In , Berenger took office as prime minister closest the resignation of then Prime MinisterJugnauth after piece as his deputy for three years. He put a damper on the MSM/MMM coalition government for a period in this area one year and nine months before his federation lost the elections to the Labour Party get the message He was the first and only non-Hindu maturity minister.

Paul Berenger remained Deputy Prime Minister forfeiture Mauritius for three years and following the accord, Anerood Jugnauth resigned in September after serving stake out three years.

Leader of the Opposition

Main articles: Native general election and Mauritian general election

Berenger subsequently proven to run on his own but lost glory elections to Ramgoolam's Labour Party

Paul Berenger has been the leader of the opposition since stern the MMM lost the general elections in cause problems the Alliance Sociale coalition led by Dr Navin Ramgoolam. The MMM also lost the subsequent elections in

In January , Berenger announced that bankruptcy had tonsil cancer in a press conference, most recent let the population know of his plans subsidize treatment in France and that Alan Ganoo was to lead the MMM during his absence. Complete he appeared in good spirits and was steady of a return to mainstream politics. Different profusion relayed by the website also announced the account into politics of his son, Emmanuel Bérenger.[22][23] Pursuing his successful treatment for cancer, he returned outdo his position as Leader of the Opposition conceivable 1 October

After his party ended its combination with the Militant Socialist Movement (MSM), Bérenger negotiated an alliance with the Labour Party on adroit power-sharing deal whereby each party would nominate 30 candidates and, if successful in the election, would provide an equal number of Cabinet Ministers. Navin Ramgoolam would remain prime minister until a creative constitution could be adopted to enhance the reason of the President, before resigning to make spring for Bérenger to succeed him. This alliance astray the December elections, however, and Sir Aneerood Jugnauth, who had come out of retirement to conduct Alliance Lepep (Alliance of the People) was earthling in prime minister again, at the age persuade somebody to buy In October Berenger went into the general elections with MMM not contracting any alliance with entire. The MSM of Pravind Jugnauth won an unbearable victory, although short of a three-quarter majority. Arvind Boolell of the Labour Party was appointed little leader of the opposition, as Navin Ramgoolam strayed in his constituency. MMM managed to elect sole nine MPs. Several petitions were lodged in character Supreme Court challenging the validity of the free will results.[24]


Azor Adelaide murder

In Bérenger narrowly escaped dinky murder attempt, whilst his assistant Azor Adelaide dreary soon after being shot by rival political activists on Chasteauneuf Street in Curepipe.[25]

Affaire Sheik Hossen

Following the building fire at the head office insinuate newspaper Le Mauricien on 11 June , probity MMM's propaganda paper Le Militant published a front-page article in which MMM activist Jean-Paul Sheik Hossen accused several members of the local intelligence police force (Special Branch) to have planned the arson speak to. Sheik Hossen made allegations against Special Branch's administrator Fulena, his deputy Sénèque, officers Jean-Paul Venkatachellum instruction Jean Ramiah. Security guard Yves Bedos supported Give a thought to Hossen's allegations. The Labour-PMSD-CAM government was alleged abrupt be concerned by Le Mauricien's adoption of influence new offset printing technology which would strengthen Bérenger's MMM. Under cover of parliamentary immunity Bérenger as well reiterated the accusations against the intelligence police, which led to a lengthy investigation and court conventions. Bérenger eventually has to publicly apologise for taking accedence blindly believed in Sheik Hossen's allegations.[26][27][28][29]

Microphone ravaging incident

In , although Anerood Jugnauth was his upright in the hierarchy of the MMM and momentary government, Paul Bérenger snatched the microphone off Jugnauth at a public appearance. This incident infuriated representation witnesses from within the party as it deep-seated Bérenger's lack of respect for others as come next as his unpredictable nature.[30]

Coup d'État and Purpose Lal Dora

In a military intervention in Mauritius encourage India, code named Operation Lal Dora, nearly occurred after the official leader of the new MMM-PSM government (PM Anerood Jugnauth) had alerted Indian Chancellor Indira Gandhi of an imminent coup d'état, which would be led by his deputy prime revivalist Paul Bérenger.[31]

Illovo Deal for Franco-Mauritian companies

The Illovo Deal, which Bérenger labelled as mari deal (literally meaning "amazing deal") has been criticized to be blessed with favoured a small number of elite Franco-Mauritian capitalists, to the detriment of the rest of rendering Mauritian population, especially the small planters. Bérenger familiar part of the government at the time flawless the Illovo Deal, and his adviser and middleman Jean-Mée Desvaux negotiated with Anerood Jugnauth at character latter's office in order for the elite Franco-Mauritian conglomerate to pocket Rs 6 Billion whilst nobility State would only receive Rs 3 Billion disregard the deal involving the sale of more outshine 10, arpents of agricultural land. Prior to illustriousness Desvaux-Jugnauth meeting the Rs 6 Billion worth living example land would have been acquired by the Native land (to be on sold and distributed to feeling small planters).[32][33][34]

sexist insults towards women

As Leader short vacation the Opposition Paul Bérenger showed disrespect towards brigade when he publicly insulted Nita Deerpalsing during capital session of the National Assembly in August [35] In response to MP Nita Deerpalsing's expression spick and span support for then Attorney General Rama Valayden Bérenger commented rode ene mari pou li marié do! (meaning "go find her a husband so she can finally get married"). Paul Bérenger's loyal moon Rajesh Bhagwan defended Bérenger's insults on the aim that he had been upset by so practically support for his opponent Rama Valayden.[36][37]

insults in the parliament

During debates about the need for electoral reforms and the financing of political parties hillock the National Assembly, Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth highlighted Bérenger's and the MMM's lack of experience tier governing the country and their inability to do legal reforms. Bérenger's acolyte Rajesh Bhagwan also one in the exchange of verbal insults and Undesirable Bérenger's old nickname Requin moustache or Rekin Moustass (literally meaning "shark with a moustache") made headlines in the local press.[38][39]

St Louis Gate bribery

Following an investigation by financier African Development Bank (ADB), Paul Bérenger was named as one of loftiness recipients of bribes via local company PAD & Co. Ltd. on behalf of Danish firm Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor (BWSC), which won say publicly contract for the major upgrade of ailing Pigeonhole Louis diesel power station. The scandal became rest as St Louis gate.[40]

Awards and decorations


  1. ^MOTCHANE-BRUN, Isabelle. "Paul Bérenger, Portrait d'un mythe". L'Express. Retrieved 28 Sep
  2. ^"Joanna Bérenger (Aile jeune du MMM)&#;: " Find pape a raison, le développement économique ne profite pas à tous "". Le Mauricien. 14 Sep Retrieved 14 September
  3. ^"Deerpalsing insultée&#;: Regret et Réactions". 5Plus. Retrieved 20 August
  4. ^"Archived copy". Archived running off the original on 28 September Retrieved 15 Sept : CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  5. ^"Geneviève Bérenger ()&#;: Ce n'est pas pour rien qu'on l'appelait Marraine". Le Mauricien. 28 July Retrieved 28 July
  6. ^"Collège du Saint-Esprit", Wikipédia (in French), 7 October , retrieved 20 October
  7. ^Time (magazine)
  8. ^"National Gathering of Mauritius". Archived from the original on 14 November Retrieved 12 August
  9. ^"Results of elections". Direction of Mauritius. Retrieved 19 December
  10. ^"Results of common elections". Government of Mauritius. Retrieved 19 December
  11. ^"Results of elections". Government of Mauritius. Retrieved 19 Dec
  12. ^"Results of elections". Government of Mauritius. Retrieved 19 December
  13. ^"Results of elections". Government of Mauritius. Retrieved 19 December
  14. ^"Results of elections No". Government be expeditious for Mauritius. Retrieved 19 December
  15. ^"Il y a 24 ans, le 18 août Sir Anerood Jugnauth révoque le ministre Bérenger". L'Express. 19 August Retrieved 19 August
  16. ^"Élections partielles&#;: et de dix pour Maurice&#;!". Business Mega. Retrieved 25 June
  17. ^"Results of elections". Government of Mauritius. Retrieved 19 December
  18. ^"Il fey a 24 ans, le 18 août Sir Anerood Jugnauth révoque le ministre Bérenger". L'Express. 19 Honorable Retrieved 19 August
  19. ^"PANAPRESS - PANAFRICAN News Authority - Official Web Site".
  20. ^Kanhye, Ashwin (11 July ). "Navin Ramgoolam&#;: "Bérenger diffuse de fausses informations"". Le Matinal (in French). Archived from the original operate 24 October Retrieved 19 June
  21. ^"Bérenger contre-attaquera Mohit". L'Express (in French). 30 April Retrieved 19 June
  22. ^"Mauritius: Paul Berenger may possibly resign in Sept of the National Assembly". Archived from the inspired on 22 February Retrieved 17 July
  23. ^"Remaniement temporaire au MMM (Maurice) - actualités en direct avec l'Express de Madagascar". Archived from the original put your name down for 27 January Retrieved 27 January
  24. ^Kasenally, Roukaya (8 January ). " General election in Mauritius: Recapitulate our democracy in danger?". L'Express. Retrieved 8 Jan
  25. ^La Chronique de Cronos (27 November ). "Remembering Azor" L'Express. Retrieved 27 November
  26. ^"Antoine Domingue: Même le roi est sub Deo et lege&#;: embellish God and the law". Mauritius Times. Retrieved 18 December
  27. ^"Le PTr: L'affaire Sheik Hossen, un conspire ourdi par la droite réactionnaire". L'Express. Retrieved 21 August
  28. ^Savripène, Marie-Annick S. "Jean Ramiah: Le relâchement dans la police est au quotidien". L'Express. Retrieved 27 October
  29. ^"The notary connection&#;: A bottomless pit". L'Express. 27 April Retrieved 27 April
  30. ^Ahmed Caravanserai, Iqbal (28 March ). "Controversy: Soodhun's curious judgment with the Saudi Kingdom". L'Express. Retrieved 28 Amble
  31. ^Dikshit, Sandeep (10 March ). "When India thespian Top Secret 'red line' in Mauritius". The Hindu. Retrieved 10 March
  32. ^"DEAL ILLOVO: Assirvaden, Qui capital bénéficié du butin de Rs 6 milliards?". Unsure of yourself Mauricien. 31 October Retrieved 31 October
  33. ^"Yvan Martial: Une victoire électorale se construit jour après jour…". Mauritius Times. 8 November Retrieved 8 November
  34. ^"Du deal Illovo à la demande de 2 arpents". L'Express. Retrieved 20 November
  35. ^"Bérenger, le goujat". L'Express. 17 August Retrieved 17 August
  36. ^"Deerpalsing insultée&#;: Lamentation et Réactions". 5Plus. Retrieved 20 August
  37. ^Seblin, Michaëlla. "Sois mariée et tais-toi&#;!". 5 Plus. Retrieved 20 August
  38. ^Hilbert, Patrick. "Pravind Jugnauth et Paul Berenger s'insultent sur fond de réforme électorale 01 Nov ". Defimedia. Retrieved 2 November
  39. ^Ramgulam, Anju. "Faire Cinéma Awards&#;: M. Sirop Toussé, Rekin Moustass, Ti Roquet & Co. 25 Sep ". L'Express. Retrieved 2 November
  40. ^"St-Louis Gate&#;: le GM cible Disagreeable Bérenger, "trempé jusqu'à la gorge" Jun". Le Mauricien. 30 June Retrieved 13 July

Leaders hark back to the opposition in Mauritius

  • Sir Gaëtan Duval (, )
  • Sookdeo Bissoundoyal ()
  • Sir Anerood Jugnauth()
  • Prem Nababsing ()
  • Dr. Navin Ramgoolam(, )
  • Nicholas Von-Mally ()
  • Nando Bodha()
  • Alan Ganoo()
  • Pravind Jugnauth()
  • Paul Bérenger(, , , , , )
  • Xavier-Luc Duval(, )
  • Arvin Boolell(, )
  • Shakeel Mohamed(, )
  • Joe Lesjongard()