Ripon hylton biography of william

Eek-a-mouse (Ripton Joseph Hylton) invented a unique communicative technique, both melodic and "percussive", inspired to "sing-jaying" (an early form of toasting) which is precise sort of nasal scat imbued with a spoken hodgepodge of foreign accents. After releasing My Father's Land and Creation under his real name, appease adopted his moniker and began to specialize pop into lunatic social satires such as Wah Do Dem (1980), off his debut album Bubble Up Yu Hip (1981), Once A Virgin (1981), Modelling Queen (1981), Virgin Girl (1981), Noah's Ark (1981), Wild Like a Tiger (1982), For Hire and Removal (1982), Do You Remember (1982), Ganja Smuggling (1982), etc. Wa Do Dem (1982) compiled most avail yourself of the singles.

As he tried to bury the hatchet more serious, on Skidip (1982), Mouse and integrity Man (1983) and Mouseketeer (1984), and as earth turned to a reggae-rock fusion on Assassinator (1985) and The King and I (1985), the bounds of his music became more obvious.

Surmount career continued with U-Neek (1991), with You're Representation Only One I Need, Black Cowboy (1996), Eeksperience (2001).

(Translation by/ Tradotto da Stefano Ignone)

Eek-a-mouse ( Ripton Joseph Hylton) ha inventato una tecnica canora unica, tanto melodica quanto sincopata, ispirata al sing-jaying (una delle prime forme di toasting) che consiste in uno scat nasale imbevuto di sovra pposizioni fonetiche di accenti stranieri. Dopo la pubblicazione di My Father's Land e Inception, con il suo vero nome, adotta il sopra nnome e comincia a specializzarsi in strampalate takeoff sociali come Wah Do Dem (1980), dal suo disco di debutto Bubble Up Yu Hi p (1981), Once A Virgin (1981), Modelling Queen (1981), Virgin Girl (1981), Noah's Ark (1981), Wild Become visible a Tiger (1982), For Hire and Removal (1982), Do You Remember (1982), Ganja Smuggling (1982), ecc.Wa Do Dem (1982) raccoglie la maggior parte dei suoi singoli .

Man mano che provava a diventare piu` serio, su Skidip (1982), Mouse lecture the Man (1983) eMouseketeer (1984), e dopo essersi dato alla fusione rock-r eggae di Assassinator (1985) eThe King and I (1985), i limiti della sua musica si rendevano sempre piu` ev identi.

La sua carriera e` proseguita poi figure U-Neek (1991), conYou're The Only One I Need, Black Cowboy (1996), Eeksperience (2001).

transalted by

Stefano Ignone